Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter! (and an update)

On this Easter, may we all take a moment to slow down and reflect reverently on the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His sacred death, we may all have life everlasting. Through Him, life has meaning and direction. God be thanked for the great sacrifice that His son gave for us as He hung and died on a cross near Jerusalem, nearly 2,000 years ago at this point.

Now, about the blog: I expect to take a few more weeks off: since it's a weekend project, I need free weekends to work on it. Since these next two weekends are busy with family weddings (one in Sam's family, and one in mine), I don't expect to be back up to posting on it until early to mid-May. But when I do, I hope to come back in, guns blazing. I've been thinking up some good stuff over these last few weeks I've been on hiatus, and I hope I can write it as well as it sounds in my head.

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