Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mormonism Defined: The Holy Ghost

Q. What is the Holy Ghost?

A. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, and therefore works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is a spirit without a mortal body, he has no flesh and bones. He is a gift given to us, from God, when we are baptized. The Holy Ghost is known by many names like, the Comforter, the Spirit of the Lord and the Holy Spirit. He can give us promptings. He can warn us of danger, bring us comfort and peace. He can inspire us to serve those in need. He can inform us of the will of the Father. And, he can testify of the truthfulness of something, like the Gospel.

The Holy Ghost is different from the Gift of the Holy Ghost. All those earnestly seeking truth can feel the Holy Ghost's influence leading them towards Christ. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is given to a worthy individual by one or more priesthood holders after one is baptized. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is the right to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost if that individual keeps the commandments of God.

The Holy Ghost's promptings are often a "still, small voice". They can be described as a "warm feeling" inside. The Holy Ghost speaks to everybody differently. The Holy Ghost can lead and guide our decisions in this fallen world. If we listen to Him, he can help us make it back to the Father.


For me, the companionship of the Holy Ghost is my extra protection in this world. I am able to stay in tune with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost. I was privileged to receive the Holy Ghost on my 8th birthday. Since then, I've been learning how the Holy Ghost speaks to me. It took a long time, and I'm still learning to identify the Spirit, but there are so many decisions I've made that he's guided me through. He has spoken peace to my heart many times throughout my life. He's answered prayers through his "still small voice."

One experience I have had with the Holy Ghost came as I prayed. I was feeling far from God. I was praying for guidance, reassurance and strength. I knew the spirit spoke in a still, small voice. So after I prayed, I quieted my mind and just listened. Then...in small, but powerful, voice I felt the words in my heart. "O daughter, thou art greatly loved." That night the spirit testified to me many things. First, I knew without a doubt that I was a Daughter of God. Second, I knew that He loved me. Third, I learned that he was aware of me and knew me individually. This experience strengthened my testimony and helped me learn a little more how to identify the spirit and how he talks to me in my life.

Another experience I had with the Holy Ghost...

I remember one night, before I met my husband, I was praying. I was ready to find the man I was going to marry. I worried that I might never find him. As I knelt in the dark, a quiet voice came to me and said "Soon". Within 2 weeks, I had found Trevor! :)

During my experiences with the Holy Ghost I've identified what it feels like to have the Holy Ghost with me and what it feels like to NOT have the Holy Ghost with me. There is a very distinct difference in the way I feel when I don't have the Holy Ghost with me.

The Holy Ghost cannot dwell in unclean temples, this includes our bodies. When I am watching a movie or other media that is acceptable by man and a clean rating, but is still not an uplifting movie, I can feel the spirit withdraw from me. When there is violence, killing, immorality, or anything else that is unclean or displeasing before God, the Spirit cannot dwell there, and leaves. After a few experiences of watching a show and then feeling the spirit withdraw, I've learned to get up and walk out of movies (which I've done). I've learned to shut off any media that is causing me to think or feel improperly.

I use the Thirteenth Article of Faith as a guide in choosing my media and activities, so that I can always have the Holy Ghost with me.

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

It's been a unique and special experience to use the 13th Article of Faith to help me keep the Holy Ghost with me. I've made decisions in my life to search after anything that is "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy". Anything that does not fit this description could put me at risk of losing such a special gift, given to me by my Heavenly Father. It is a gift that I am to scared to live without. I'm eternally grateful for my experience with the Holy Ghost and that I've lived my life in a way that qualifies me for his continual companionship. I've learned so much from the Holy Ghost. I've been protected by His promptings, I've felt peace, I've even felt his help on tests! The Holy Ghost is there to help us and guide us in this world. We can feel of God's love for us and his protection by being worthy to always have the third member of the Godhead with us during our lives.

If you're interested in learning more, please visit: Mormon.org.

- SamiMae

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